Skill Development

Hundreds of young people get training on a variety of current issues and topics.

Why Skill Development?

Currently, 10 million young people are unemployed or underemployed in Bangladesh. One of the most urgent needs today is to provide training to young people so that they can equip themselves to be productive members of society.

Our Approach

The main focus of Bangladesh Youth First Concerns (BYFC) is tuition and training. The training is very diverse and is based upon the needs of the young people we are working with. For example, we provide technical trade training for young people so that they can earn a living to support themselves and their families. Also, we train young leaders so that they can have an impact on their communities and our country. More details about the different training programs we provide can be found below.

Our Activities

(Moral Development, Academic Education and Job Market)

To build a better nation with the current youth who are the upcoming workforce of the country; BYFC is giving training on three key pillars- moral values, academic efficiency, and being prepared for the future job market. All the training facilitators and speakers are well knowledgeable, equipped and trained.

Vocational Skill Development Training

One of the most urgent needs today is to provide training to young people so that they can equip themselves to be productive members of society. In this program, BYFC trains young people on practical skill development in areas like homestead gardening, agricultural work, handicrafts, fishery, poultry, secretarial skills, computer training, and small trades.

Volunteer Training

Volunteerism is very important in Bangladesh for two reasons. One of the reasons is due to natural disaster and the other is as the country is growing to be a middle-income nation, and when the country needs more volunteers and a generation like youth and senior citizens will have some interest and time to serve as volunteer respond to the needs. BYFC is offering volunteer training every year for a couple of times. Mostly for high school and college graduates who believe our works and wants to help BYFC. This is day-long training at the weekend.

Leadership Training

The goal of this program is to enhance the leadership abilities and effectiveness of young leaders. This training is offered to BYFC staff and other development partners. Training is targeted at enhancing and expanding development activities and improving people’s income and employment generation activities.

Group Development

BYFC is pulling together young people from many different groups across Bangladesh to form social action groups to motivate and guide other young people toward the realization of their development. This is similar to a mentoring process and BYFC uses its trainers and facilities to facilitate this effort.


BYFC uses seminars and conferences to train many people on a variety of current issues and topics. Some of the topics we have trained in include: 3D Seminar, strategic management, social mobilization, drugs and narcotics awareness, community organization, and leadership development. In addition to providing practical training, we desire that participants will acquire a sense of service, commitment, and responsibility to build their community..